Sunday, December 2, 2018

“Sometimes you are a Cupbearer”

The story in Genesis 37-50, the life of Joseph is revealed. Though it is a story full of teachings of the trials, persistence, and God’s love shown through Joseph himself, there is a smaller minor character I would like to bring more light to… the cupbearer.

Barely mentioned in one and a half chapters of the bible, this cupbearer plays a vital role in the progression of Joseph’s life and ultimately God’s plan.

In Genesis 40, we see how Joseph interacts with this man who had the position of the cupbearer. Joseph is thrown in jail for being wrongly accused by Potifer’s wife. Chapter 40 opens us to share that sometime after Joseph was thrown in he met both the baker and the cupbearer. We are not really sure why they were put in jail, but somehow they committed an offense against the Pharaoh. Joseph was appointed to be with them and the Bible says he attended to them. By this point Joseph was given favor by God and did well in all that he endeavored and was managing the prison below the head of the guards.

The cupbearer and the baker both have dreams in the same night, and Joseph hears them discussing the dreams and asks what is wrong. After explaining that they cannot understand the meaning to their dreams, Joseph declares that dreams belong to God and asks them to share the dreams to him.

The cupbearer shares his dream of vine branches and serving pharaoh. Joseph replies that the cupbearer would be restored back to his position in three days. He also asks him to remember him when he is restored. The baker’s dream, well, let’s just say it didn’t have that great of an interpretation, and his dreams mean that he will die in three days.

In three days, the cupbearer is restored and the baker dies. The cupbearer forgets that Joseph wanted to be remembered to Pharaoh for two years until Pharaoh has two dreams that no one can interpret and the cupbearer remembers Joseph and shares about the accuracy of Joseph’s interpretations. He is called out of jail and ends up being Pharaoh’s right hand man. The story continues without mentioning the cupbearer again.

For a moment let’s talk about his cupbearer.

He was thrown into prison for “committing an offense against Pharaoh” and we do not know any other context. If I were this cupbearer I would be upset that I was thrown in jail possibly scared or mad depending on why I was placed there. Then, he has a confusing dream at the same time as this other guy that got thrown into prison with him or maybe even caused him to be in prison.

Then, this Hebrew man is able to correctly interpret both of their dreams, and he is restored back to his position. I can only imagine the emotions that the cupbearer might have felt being taken out of jail and restored. He forgets about the Hebrew dream interpreter for two whole years, but he comes in clutch to his boss as the Pharaoh has some troubling dreams of his own.

This cupbearer is not a main character, but the story needed him to continue. If we believe in God’s sovereignty, then God allowed the cupbearer to be thrown in jail so he could meet Joseph. He was in the same cell as Joseph so that he could interpret his dream and be a testimony that Joseph could really interpret them through God. Then he was restored to share with the Pharaoh about this man he met in prison two years later.

Without the cupbearer Joseph is still in prison and does not make it out to pharaoh’s court. Sure, God would have gotten him out another way, but God used the cupbearer.

Sometimes when we ask God to use us, we are not the star, Joseph, (though his life was far from easy) we are the cupbearer. We are there to move God’s plan along. We are there to be used.
That means sometimes God allows us to go through trials. We are “thrown in prison” by our fault or by mistake maybe even SOLEY to let God’s plan in the story go on. This is NOT a time that feels good. We may not see the moment as a “being-used-by-God-moment,” but rather a time of injustice, mistreatment, or trials.

We encounter people or leave certain people at a specific time that God ordained so that his plan would continue. Sometimes that means friendships are formed or relationships are broken or separated. We may be hurt, angry, and even confused about why God is letting something happen like this…

But we have to remember, WE ARE NOT THE STAR OF THE STORY… GOD IS. 

We cannot ask God to use us and then complain when we feel used. We cannot expect glory when we may be used as a bridge to get the story from one spot to another.

I have recently come out of a cupbearer experience where for over a year and a half my faith was shaken because I did not understand what God was doing.

I was working at a ministry full-time and going to school. Then, I was mistreated and broken as a left the ministry unexpectedly. I knew in me leaving left tons of gossip and stories behind it by others. I felt much as I am sure the cupbearer felt when he was thrown in jail. Upon me leaving, another friend took my place, she too was mistreated and broken when she left unexpectedly from this ministry a year later. She was the bridge that connected a church to this ministry and now they have merged to form an even growing ministry.

It took over a year to get over the resentment and brokenness I felt from my departure and even worse when I found that my friend had experienced the same. But I have come to realize that in that ministry, God is getting glory. Now that it has combined with another, I am confident that more people will experience God in new and numerous ways there. But, they wouldn’t have been connected had I not left, my friend not come, my friend not be involved in both places, and the she leave as they connect.

It’s hard to be a cupbearer sometimes. It’s hard to surrender to God and be understanding when you are used as a tool in his master plan in ways that you were not expecting or that are hard and painful. It’s hard to understand that we aren’t always the star that sometimes we are a small piece in a big plan, and God will bring us in and use us if we will let him. He will also take us out at the right time even when we may not be planning it or be acceptable of it. It may even be in hard and heartbreaking circumstances that do not make sense. It may not even have to make sense because we don’t know the master plan and God does.

So, if you are being used right now by God or if you are coming out of a trying time of being used by God, I want to encourage you to worship God in the lack of understanding.

God has a master plan to bring others to understand the amazing gift of love and mercy. 
Sometimes it just takes having willing people to be cupbearers and to be tools used to move the story along. 

God loves you. 
He cares for your soul and he has not abandoned you. 

He wants to use you, and sometimes, He may use you as a cupbearer.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

God isn't tame.

Sometimes we forget that God isn't tame.

The Lord brought me to Nahum (small book at the end of the Old Testament) a few days ago. It's a recorded prophecy of the profit Nahum about the city of Nineveh. I am reading the first bit of chapter one and thinking, "God, why did you want me to read this passage? I mean, it's Nahum..."

Nahum 1:1-3
"The LORD is a jealous and avenging God; 
The LORD is avenging and wrathful;
The LORD takes vengeance on his adversaries 
and keeps wrath for his enemies.
The LORD is slow to anger and great in power,
and the LORD will by no means clear the guilty.
His way is in whirlwind and storm,
and the clouds are the dust of his feet."

I found myself staring at A LOT of characteristics that I often forget about belonging to God:

He is jealous, avenging, wrathful...
He takes vengeance on his adversaries and keeps wrath for his enemies...
He is slow to anger and great in power...
He will not clear the guilty...
His way is in whirlwind and storm and the clouds are the dust of his feet...

Wow, I'll be the first to admit we arn't talking about this on Sunday. We don't like to think of God as jealous or avenging. We don't like to think of God as wrathful. And, WHY in the WORLD does that say God doesn't CLEAR the guilty??

Here is what I gather: 


He is a full HERO of LOVE, PEACE, and JUSTICE. He is a mighty WARRIOR that brings WRATH, VENGEANCE and VICTORY over his enemies.

God is a jealous God after the hearts of his creation. We have to lose the connotation that our culture has instilled that ties evil to vengeance and wrath. The GOOD God we serve conquers His enemies, and He DID conquer them: THROUGH JESUS.

God is fully just and He won't just CLEAR the guilty. Justice isn't clearing it, but God is MERCIFUL and provided a WAY for it to be pardoned. He literally gave his only son for our guilt. He out of ferocious love and mercy, God gave us the gift of His Son. He is jealous for our hearts and won by conquering His enemies and adversaries by the VICTORY through CHRIST on the CROSS. God chose to use his son as the weapon of choice. God is WILD. Wild with LOVE, POWER, WRATH, and VICTORY.

Nahum 1:7 
"The LORD is good,
a stronghold in the day of trouble; 
He knows those who take refuge in him."

I don't know how your relationship stands with God. I'll be honest, sometimes I STRUGGLE to remain in the word. But, God wants to be in a relationship with you. He wants to love on you, speak to you, share about His goodness and power. Literally the coolest, most-powerful, life-giving, edgy, and wildly loving God wants you. Just as you are. I dare you to catch that for yourself.